
Ms. WONG Ho Lam Melissa
Ms. WONG Ho Lam Melissa(黃澔霖)(哲學博士學生)
M.Phil., graduated in 2023
M.Phil Thesis Title: The Mediation Effect of Narcissism on the Relationship between Adult Attachment Styles and Dream Experiences: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong Chinese Homosexual and Heterosexual Adults
大家好,我是Melissa,香港樹仁大學心理學系2023年的哲學碩士畢業後,決定修讀哲學博士學位。我的主要研究領域是有關性內容的夢境(Sexual Dreams)以及社會性虐戀(Social Sadomasochism)。
電郵: melissawong618@yahoo.com.hk
Awards and Achievements:
August 2022 Certified Rater of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
2020-2021 Ms. Maggie Sun Scholarships
2019-2020 Peninsula Lions Club of Hong Kong
2018-2019 Scholarships Mae & John Kwok Scholarships
2018-2020 President’s List (Yearly GPA ≥ 3.5)
2017-2020 Honour Roll (Current GPA ≥ 3.3)

Mr. HOU Yanwen, Schuyler
Mr. HOU Yanwen, Schuyler(侯彦雯)(哲學博士學生)
Schuyler於澳門完成心理學學位後,決定於香港樹仁大學修讀博士學位,專注於執行功能(Executive Function)和清醒夢的研究。此外,他也投入開發一款針對自閉症兒童的輔助溝通系統(Augmentative and Alternative communication,簡稱AAC)的平板應用程式。他的論文曾在「歷史與文化、語言與認知」的研究生聯合學術研討會(獲得最佳論文提名)和第四屆澳門認知與腦科學研討會中發表。
電郵: 22p701d@hksyu.edu.hk / schuylerhou@outlook.com
Publications and Conference Presentation:
Hou, Y., & Ma, Y. (August, 2024). Visualizing Hong Kong Chinese Temples through GIS. Oral presentation presented at the The 14th International Junior Scholars Conference on Humanities and Culture. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Hou, Y., & Ma, Y. (March, 2024). Exploring and Visualizing Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Ancient Academies in Guangdong through GIS. Oral presentation presented at the Third Hong Kong Young Scholars Research Forum on History and Literature. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Cheung, A., Hou, Y., & Ma, Y. (2024). Generative AI and Critical Pedagogy: Towards a Developed Methodology for Zhuangzi Studies in the Age of Algorithms. Oral presentation presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Academic Writing and Critical Thinking. Japan. http://toxiv.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/2024/CHEUNGalia2024.html
Hou, Y., & Ma, Y. (December, 2023). Historical narratives and social structures: A comparative social network analysis of Jin Shu and Shishuo Xinyu. Oral presentation presented at the 14th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities. Taiwan.
Hou, Y., & Ma, Y. (2023). Cross-Lingual Sentiment Analysis in Literary Translation: A Case Study of the Novel Crystal Boys. 2023 10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1109/BESC59560.2023.10386890
Hou, Y. (September, 2023). Electroencephalography in dream research: A bibliometric analysis. Poster presentation presented at the 4th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences. University of Macau, Macau, China.
(Nomination of Best Paper Award) Hou, Y., & Ma, Y. (April, 2023). A statistical examination of the names of housing estates in Hong Kong: A shifting paradigm. Oral presentation presented at the Joint Postgraduate Student Symposium on History and Culture, Language and Cognition 2023. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Awards and Achievements:
2024: First Place in 76kg - Open category at the Asian University Cup, Asian University Combined Classic And Equipped Powerlifting And Bench Press Championships. Hong Kong, China.
2023: Certified IT Support by Google
2022: Third Runner up of 50-meter Freestyle in The 57th Annual Aquatic Meet (Representing Hong Kong Shue Yan University). The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China.
2017: National Level of Athlete in Swimming accredited by General Administration of Sport of China
Mr. YING Hongye, Benjamin
Mr. LUI Lam Chak, Mark
Ms. CHAN Tsz Yan, Yanmi
Mr. CHAN Sze Wai, Chris
Ms. CHEUNG Chung Yan, Ada
Ms. SO Hiu Tung, Oreo
Ms. WU Xixian, Annie
Mr. LAM Kam Yeung
Ms. LAM Yau San
Ms. WU Si Min, Rachel
Ms. YU Yuen Sin, Cindy
Mr. NGAI Chi Kit, Jacky
Mr. HU Ri Tao, Nathan
Mr. LIN Chuan, Jake