About Us

About the Neuropsychology Laboratory,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Neuropsychology Laboratory consists of the Neuromodulation and High-density Electroencephalography sections. The Neuromodulation Section is located in the Academic Building, LG304. The High-density Electroencephalography (HD-EEG) Section is located in the Graduate School Building, LG308. They contain a 256-channel EEG system and other hardware and software programs for measuring the electrical activity of the brain (EEG), heart (EKG), and muscles (EMG), as well as other physiological activities such as eye and body movements. In addition, the Neuromodulation Section is equipped with a high-definition transcranial electrical stimulation device. The Neuropsychology Laboratory offers credit and non-credit research experiences to students at all levels (e.g., Undergraduate Research Apprentice, Research Internship, and Research Mentorship students, as well as Masters and PhD students).


Graduates & Alumni
The research team of this laboratory is composed of undergraduate and graduate students, providing students with credit and non-credit research experiences from undergraduate to doctoral level.